Union President Speaks at Single Payer Lobby Day

From: Single Payer News, June 2, 2014

Washington, DC.  Gregg Junemann, a member of the AFL-CIO Executive
Council, addressed a congressional briefing on single payer health care on
Capitol Hill on May22nd.   An audience of close to 100 activists from 10
organizations were in Washington to lobby for single payer legislation.
Junemann, President of the International Federation of Professional and
Technical Engineers, praised the Central Labor Councils and local unions
at the grass roots of the union movement for pushing for the cause of
single payer health care.

Junemann spoke of the health care crisis for retirees, problems with
higher co-pays, the so-called “Cadillac tax” and much more.  “The labor
movement is dedicated more than ever to the prospect of national single
payer…” said Junemann.  His entire remarks can be seen and heard here
beginning at the one minute mark.

Other speakers included Congressman John Conyers (D-MI) principle author
of HR 676, national single payer legislation, which he has introduced in
the House of Representatives each session since 2003 and
Congressman Jim McDermott (D-WA).  #30#

Distributed by:
All Unions Committee for Single Payer Health Care–HR 676
c/o Nurses Professional Organization (NPO)
1169 Eastern Parkway, Suite 2218
Louisville, KY 40217
(502) 636 1551

Email: nursenpo@aol.com