Medicare- YES! Insurance Companies- NO!
Join us Wednesday April 20th when the President visits San Francisco. Politicians in Washington have put Medicare on the chopping block, we want to send a strong message to Mr. Obama to protect Medicare and to remove the insurance companies from controlling health care.
4-6 p.m. – Masonic Auditorium – 1111 California (between Jones and Taylor). Contact person on-site: Don, (415) 810-5826.
6-7:30 p.m. – 3230 Jackson (between Walnut and Presidio). Contact person on-site: Barbara, (415) 341-3096.
Please let us know which location you can come to, and if you can hold a banner.
Questions? RSVP? Emil Don or call (415) 695-7891.
Hope to see you out this Wednesday!