Bus to Rally in Sacramento

On Wednesday, May 4th, Senator Mark Leno will hold a noon press conference in the state capitol on SB 810, the California Universal Healthcare Act.  At 1:30, the Senate Healthcare Committee will discuss SB 810.  We want the capitol full of single payer supporters.

We will be leaving San Francisco at 9:50 a.m. and departing from the Ashby BART at 10:20 a.m. We will pass the hat to cover expenses, and a lunch will be provided.  It costs us about $40 per person.   No one turned away for lack of funds.

Again, you must RSVP for the busEmail Don or call 415-695-7891

Please let us know if you would like to reserve a seat on our buses.

Please consider signing up to take our buses to Sacramento. We are organizing the buses with the California Alliance for Retired Americans. We will deliver thousands of postcards in support of SB 810 to State Senators.

In the light of continued attacks on Medicaid and Medicare, we think it is important to have a sizable showing of support for universal healthcare minus the insurance industry.

If you can not go, please consider making a financial contribution to help cover our expenses.

To make a contribution, click here.

Or you can send a contribution to:

Single Payer Now
PO Box 460622
San Francisco, CA 94146

Thank you for your Support!

One response to “Bus to Rally in Sacramento”

  1. R.Weber Avatar

    We must act aggressively and diligently to educate and enlist citizens to do the right thing by making California the first Single Payer State. Then as Canada did, one province at a time until the whole country had the Right to healthcare. This is the most important right we must win. Along with repealing the patriot act.