Mailing Party

You are invited to a mailing party on Tuesday and Wednesday, July 20/21 from noon to 8pm at the home of Susan Cieutat. She lives at 531 Grove St in San Francisco. 531 Grove is at the corner of Octavis – 21 Hayes Bus – 5 blocks west of Civic Center BART and MUNI.

We will be sending out notices for our July 31 San Francisco meeting featuring Claudia Chaufan, MD,  speaking on Expanding Medicare and Stopping the Wall St attacks on Medicare, and our early August meeting in Los Angeles featuring Sara Rogers, the health consultant to State Senator Mark Leno.

Please let us know if you can help with the mailing,  or if you would like to make a financial contribution for the mailing, send a contribution to: Single Payer Now; PO Box 460622; SF, CA 94146

Mailings are fun. We have snacks, great orange juice, and the best people in the world to work with.
I hope to see you.

Don Bechler
Chair – Single Payer Now