Single Payer Now is a grassroots advocacy group in California. We educate and organize activists to advocate for health care without the insurance industry.
A Vision for Health Care Without Insurance
The near future of the single payer movement is very promising. CalCare will be reintroduced in 2023. Join us to promote single-payer healthcare in California.
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Single Payer Healthcare and You

What Is Single Payer?
In a single payer system, all health care providers would bill one entity for their services. This reduces administrative waste and saves money.

Why Single Payer?
We have a monster insurance bureaucracy that wastes at least 31 cents of every health care dollar, but fails to give us health security.

Why SPN?
Since 1994, Single Payer Now has advocated for progressive health policies and educated individuals about single-payer healthcare models.
Join the Movement
Sign up to learn where and how to support single-payer healthcare in California.
From the Blog
An Open Letter to Rep. Pramila Jayapal Regarding Medicare for All
Published on Wednesday, February 06, 2019 on Common Dreams by Isabel Ostrer, Chris Cai, and Ana Malinow.
Is employer-sponsored insurance really a good deal for workers?
Company insurance is deeply entrenched and poses a big challenge to Medicare-for-all — but costs for those plans are on the rise.
Employers likely to begin increasing employees’ premium contributions
According to a report released today by the California Health Care Foundation, in a recent survey, 27% of California firms said they were very or somewhat likely in increase employees’ premium contribution in the next year. Other key findings include: Health insurance premiums for family coverage grew by 5.6%. Family coverage premiums have seen a…
News & Video
Don Bechler, 1947 – 2020
Don Bechler, the founder and director of Single Payer Now, passed away on October 24, 2020. After taking a break to grieve the loss of Don, we are now trying to revive SPN in his absence.
Medicare for All, or Medicare for More?
Even in this early stage of the 2020 race, nearly all of President Donald Trump’s would-be opponents have staked out their support for expanding health-care coverage.
The Health 202: Jayapal to roll out sweeping Medicare-for-All bill by month’s end
Jayapal said she’s confident she’ll have 100 co-sponsors by the time of the bill’s planned Feb. 26 release, explaining she’s not surprised members would take more time to consider it given its length.